Ma critique du livre Piranesi publiée sur GoodReads recemment. Je la republie ici pour catalogage et me faciliter la vie. Vu que j’ai lu le livre en anglais, la revue est en anglais.

What a strange and unique novel. Piranesi left me puzzled, and I’m still not sure if I loved it or not.

The atmosphere is incredible—dreamlike and eerie. The line between reality and dream/madness is blurred, making it easy to get lost in the intricate story Susanna Clarke has crafted.

The writing alone is worth the read. Though the narrator’s naïveté sometimes frustrated me, the beautifully crafted sentences, immersive mood, and intriguing reflections of the protagonist kept me engaged.

It’s a curious book—more about the experience than the plot, like navigating a maze. Intriguing and puzzling, it’s a journey unlike any other.

Jacques Duquesne